With the continuously thriving popularity around the world, fitness activity analytic has become an emerging research topic in computer vision. While a variety of new tasks and algorithms have been proposed recently, there are growing hunger for data resources involved in high-quality data, fine-grained labels, and diverse environments. In this paper, we present FLAG3D, a large-scale 3D fitness activity dataset with language instruction containing 180K sequences of 60 categories. FLAG3D features the following three aspects: 1) accurate and dense 3D human pose captured from advanced MoCap system to handle the complex activity and large movement, 2) detailed and professional language instruction to describe how to perform a specific activity, 3) versatile video resources from a high-tech MoCap system, rendering software, and cost-effective smartphones in natural environments. Extensive experiments and in-depth analysis show that FLAG3D contributes great research value for various challenges, such as cross-domain human action recognition, dynamic human mesh recovery, and language-guided human action generation. Our dataset and source code will be publicly available at https://andytang15.github.io/FLAG3D.
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Low-dose computed tomography (CT) plays a significant role in reducing the radiation risk in clinical applications. However, lowering the radiation dose will significantly degrade the image quality. With the rapid development and wide application of deep learning, it has brought new directions for the development of low-dose CT imaging algorithms. Therefore, we propose a fully unsupervised one sample diffusion model (OSDM)in projection domain for low-dose CT reconstruction. To extract sufficient prior information from single sample, the Hankel matrix formulation is employed. Besides, the penalized weighted least-squares and total variation are introduced to achieve superior image quality. Specifically, we first train a score-based generative model on one sinogram by extracting a great number of tensors from the structural-Hankel matrix as the network input to capture prior distribution. Then, at the inference stage, the stochastic differential equation solver and data consistency step are performed iteratively to obtain the sinogram data. Finally, the final image is obtained through the filtered back-projection algorithm. The reconstructed results are approaching to the normal-dose counterparts. The results prove that OSDM is practical and effective model for reducing the artifacts and preserving the image quality.
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Stochastic human motion prediction aims to forecast multiple plausible future motions given a single pose sequence from the past. Most previous works focus on designing elaborate losses to improve the accuracy, while the diversity is typically characterized by randomly sampling a set of latent variables from the latent prior, which is then decoded into possible motions. This joint training of sampling and decoding, however, suffers from posterior collapse as the learned latent variables tend to be ignored by a strong decoder, leading to limited diversity. Alternatively, inspired by the diffusion process in nonequilibrium thermodynamics, we propose MotionDiff, a diffusion probabilistic model to treat the kinematics of human joints as heated particles, which will diffuse from original states to a noise distribution. This process offers a natural way to obtain the "whitened" latents without any trainable parameters, and human motion prediction can be regarded as the reverse diffusion process that converts the noise distribution into realistic future motions conditioned on the observed sequence. Specifically, MotionDiff consists of two parts: a spatial-temporal transformer-based diffusion network to generate diverse yet plausible motions, and a graph convolutional network to further refine the outputs. Experimental results on two datasets demonstrate that our model yields the competitive performance in terms of both accuracy and diversity.
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先前关于人类运动预测的工作遵循观察到的序列与要预测的序列之间建立映射关系的模式。但是,由于多元时间序列数据的固有复杂性,找到运动序列之间的外推关系仍然是一个挑战。在本文中,我们提出了一种新的预测模式,该模式介绍了以前被忽视的人类姿势,以从插值的角度实施预测任务。这些姿势在预测序列后存在,并形成特权序列。要具体而言,我们首先提出了一个插值学习网络(ITP-NETWORK),该网络既编码观察到的序列和特权序列,以插入预测的序列之间,其中嵌入式的特权序列 - 编码器(Priv-incoder)学习了这些序列特权知识(PK)同时。然后,我们提出了一个最终的预测网络(FP-NETWORK),该网络无法观察到特权序列,但配备了一种新型的PK模拟器,该序列可以提取从先前的网络中学到的PK。该模拟器作为输入观察到的序列,但近似私有编码器的行为,从而使fp-network模仿插值过程。广泛的实验结果表明,在短期和长期预测中,我们的预测模式在基准的H.36M,CMU-MOCAP和3DPW数据集上实现了最先进的性能。
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基于图形的模型最近在人的重新识别任务中取得了巨大的成功,该任务首先计算了不同人之间的图形拓扑结构(亲和力),然后将信息传递给他们的信息以实现更强的功能。但是,我们在可见的红外人员重新识别任务(VI-REID)中发现了现有的基于图的方法,因为有两个问题:1)火车测试模式平衡差距,这是VI-REID任务的属性。两个模式数据的数量在训练阶段平衡,但推理极为不平衡,导致基于图的VI-REID方法的概括较低。 2)由图形模块的端到端学习方式引起的亚最佳拓扑结构。我们分析训练有素的输入特征会削弱图形拓扑的学习,从而使其在推理过程中不够概括。在本文中,我们提出了一种反事实干预特征转移(CIFT)方法来解决这些问题。具体而言,均匀和异质的特征转移(H2FT)旨在通过两种独立的设计的图形模块和不平衡的场景模拟来减少火车测试模态差距。此外,提出了反事实关系干预(CRI)来利用反事实干预和因果效应工具来突出拓扑结构在整个训练过程中的作用,这使图形拓扑结构更加可靠。对标准VI-REID基准测试的广泛实验表明,CIFT在各种设置下都优于最新方法。
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大规模的多模式对比预训练已经证明了通过将多种模式映射到共享嵌入空间中的一系列下游任务的可转移功能。通常,这对每种模式都采用了单独的编码器。但是,最近的工作表明,变形金刚可以支持跨多种方式学习并允许知识共享。受此启发,我们研究了各种模式共享的对比语言图像预训练(MS-CLIP)框架。更具体地说,我们质疑在对比预训练期间可以在跨模态共享变压器模型的多少个参数,并严格检查建筑设计选择,以将沿频谱共享的参数比例定位。在研究的条件下,我们观察到,视觉和语言信号的主要统一编码器优于所有其他分离更多参数的变体。此外,我们发现特定于特定于模态的平行模块进一步提高了性能。实验结果表明,所提出的MS-CLIP方法在零摄像机分类中(在YFCC-100M上进行了预训练)中,最多可超过13 \%相对的香草夹,同时支持降低参数。此外,在24个下游视觉任务的集合中,我们的方法在线性探测中优于Vanilla剪辑。此外,我们发现共享参数导致语义概念来自不同方式在嵌入空间中更接近地编码,从而促进了共同的语义结构(例如注意力模式)从语言到视觉的传递。代码可在\ href {https://github.com/hxyou/msclip} {url}中获得。
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Vision Transformer(VIT)最近由于其出色的模型功能而引起了计算机视觉的极大关注。但是,大多数流行的VIT模型都有大量参数,从而限制了其在资源有限的设备上的适用性。为了减轻这个问题,我们提出了Tinyvit,这是一个新的小型,有效的小型视觉变压器,并通过我们提议的快速蒸馏框架在大型数据集上预处理。核心思想是将知识从大型模型转移到小型模型,同时使小型模型能够获得大量预处理数据的股息。更具体地说,我们在预训练期间应用蒸馏进行知识转移。大型教师模型的徽标被稀疏并提前存储在磁盘中,以节省内存成本和计算开销。微小的学生变形金刚自动从具有计算和参数约束的大型审计模型中缩小。全面的实验证明了TinyVit的功效。它仅具有21m参数的Imagenet-1k上的前1个精度为84.8%,与在Imagenet-21K上预读的SWIN-B相当,而使用较少的参数则使用了4.2倍。此外,增加图像分辨率,TinyVit可以达到86.5%的精度,仅使用11%参数,比SWIN-L略好。最后但并非最不重要的一点是,我们在各种下游任务上展示了TinyVit的良好转移能力。代码和型号可在https://github.com/microsoft/cream/tree/main/tinyvit上找到。
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我们提出了一种称为独角兽的统一方法,可以使用相同的模型参数同时使用单个网络解决四个跟踪问题(SOT,MOT,VOS,MOTS)。由于对象跟踪问题本身的定义零散,因此开发了大多数现有的跟踪器来解决任务的单个或一部分,并过分地对特定任务的特征进行了专业化。相比之下,Unicorn提供了一个统一的解决方案,在所有跟踪任务中采用相同的输入,骨干,嵌入和头部。我们第一次完成了跟踪网络体系结构和学习范式的巨大统一。Unicorn在8个跟踪数据集中的特定于任务特定的对应物(包括Lasot,TrackingNet,Mot17,BDD100K,Davis16-17,MOTS20和BDD100K MOT)在PAR上或更好的对应物。我们认为,独角兽将是朝着一般视觉模型迈出的坚实一步。代码可从https://github.com/masterbin-iiau/unicorn获得。
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